The Bitcoin Frontier

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Podcast Disclosure:This podcast is a product of Unchained Capital, Inc. (“Unchained”, “us”, “our”). Unchained is not a bank. This podcast is intended for audiences in the United States of America, for public distribution.

This podcast is entertainment, and not financial, tax, or legal advice. Speakers identified as part of Unchained are not investment advisors or research analysts, and their comments should not be considered an investment recommendation or advice. Unchained is not responsible for any actions taken by any listener based on this podcast. No listener should accept any statements made by any speaker on the podcast or any information in any episode notes as factually accurate without further independent research and consultation with an investment advisor and attorney.

Contributors or speakers who are not identified as members of Unchained are expressing their own opinion, and their statements should not be construed as reflecting the views of Unchained. Third party speakers are not subject to FINRA regulation regarding conflicts and disclosure and the viewer should be aware that they may have a financial interest in or other conflicts of interest with any companies discussed. Statements made by third party speakers are not intended as investment opinions or advice. Third party speakers often have material connections to Unchained which may be personal, family, or business in nature, and may include but not be limited to direct financial benefits from Unchained.

This podcast is produced solely for entertainment or informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a security in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation would be illegal. Unchained does not represent that any information disseminated by this podcast is a complete and accurate representation of available data. Any opinions expressed by a speaker are statements of the individual speaker’s judgment on the date made, may not be properly researched by the speaker as of the date made, and are subject to change at any future time. All statements by a speaker represent statements of that speaker in his or her individual capacity, and do not represent the views of Unchained. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. Receipt and/or review of this podcast constitutes your agreement not to reproduce, display, modify, distribute, transmit, or disclose to others outside your organization the contents, opinions, conclusion, or information contained in this podcast.

Loan Product Disclosure: Loans may be originated by Lead Bank and are subject to approval. Rates and fees vary by term lengths between 90 and 360 days. All loans have a maximum loan-to-value ratio based on required bitcoin collateral. Fees may be assessed on overdue amounts. A loan application is required. Loans and lending services may not be available in all states or jurisdictions and may be subject to local restrictions where available. California loans may be made or arranged by Unchained pursuant to a California Financing Law license (NMLS ID 1900773).Lead Bank is an FDIC insured Missouri state-chartered bank. Lead Bank is an equal opportunity lender. See our legal & regulatory page for more information.

Truth In Advertising Disclosure: Any and all endorsements of Unchained, its products, or services made by third parties endorsers (“endorser”) reflect the honest experience and opinion of the endorser and are representative of the experience of the endorser only and only at the time of the endorsement. Listeners should presume that all endorsers have material connections to Unchained, which may be personal, family, or business in nature, and may include but not be limited to direct equity in Unchained or direct payments from Unchained to an endorser.

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